
Founded in 2019

In Relation to the Sea

In Relation to the Sea is seeking submissions from artists, writers, and thinkers. Open worldwide to those who create work relative to the sea in all forms of visual and literary art, including but not limited to: painting, photography, mixed media, sculpture, film, poetry, short stories, non-fiction, essays… etc. 

Please email submissions to inrelationtothesea@gmail.com

Files will be accepted as jpgs, pdfs, doc, or mov only. If you would like to send a link to a video that is also adequate. Please make sure your file sizes are not too large for emailing.

Name your files: yourlastname_title_medium.jpg 

Ex. Celmins_Ocean_graphiteonpaper.jpg

Ex. Smith_NotWavingButDrowning_poetry.doc


Additionally, provide an artist statement or quick biography about yourself and your work. 

Include a link to your website or Instagram if applicable.